ID: se.physicssolutions.inclinometer
Version: 1.6
Size: 7.8 Mb
Rotating Sphere Inclinometer Screenshots
How to install Rotating Sphere Inclinometer apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Rotating Sphere Inclinometer Details
This inclinometer measures roll and pitch, lateral and longitudinal inclination.It is aimed for measuring roll and pitch of cars and boats and can also be used as a spirit level for leveling pictures on the wall, leveling of hobby constructions etc.
The inclinometer has both an analogue and a digital display
The resolution of the digital display is selectable. Choose either degrees or tenths of degrees
You can continuously adjust the resolution of the analogue display using two of your fingers
You can choose any orientation of your mobile device as zero for your display
After zeroing, small angle changes can be accurately measured
Select portrait or landscape orientation, backgrounds and colors according to need and taste.
Keywords: inclinometer, clinometer, spirit level, leveling, roll, pitch, small angle
What's new in Rotating Sphere Inclinometer 1.6
Slight graphics change and some (internal) improvement of the settings management.Download Rotating Sphere Inclinometer lastet APK
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How to get Rotating Sphere Inclinometer 1.6 apk for laptop
How to use Rotating Sphere Inclinometer mod apk
How to mod Rotating Sphere Inclinometer 1.6 apk
How to get Rotating Sphere Inclinometer mod apk
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